Ari & Elle app curated gift boxes personalized for any occasion and recipient
The challenge
Gift shopping can be really confusing for users. in the E-commerce world, there are so many options to choose. Buying a gift is also an emotional act, of giving another person something with feelings.
Gift shopping can be really confusing for users. in the E-commerce world, there are so many options to choose. Buying a gift is also an emotional act, of giving another person something with feelings.
Project Duration
My role
Illustrator, XD
2 months
product ct strategy
UX design
User Journey
The Process
Brainstorming. Imagining. Offering the easiest way.
The process include defining the business goals of the client, defining the user's goals, product strategy, Market Research, checking competietive websites and apps user experience, Stakeholders Interviews, Shoppers interview, brainstorming, users flow, sketches and wireframes, prototype using XD.
User journey
Brainstorming. Imagining. Offering the easiest way.
Guy is on his way home from work in a tech insurance company, in the subway in NYC, he want to buy the perfect gift for his girlfriend Sharon. He saw a commercial of the app and decide to buy the present with the app.
It's All About The Show.
One of the challenges was how to show of the gift, in the most convincing way, so the user will be enthusiastic about it, and will see the experience of the gift. Also, the gift might include up to 5 items inside, how to show all products (A B C D E) together. In case the user don't like 1 of the products, the app will offer an option to switch the product to another product that can fit the set (A1 A2 A3 etc.)
Another thing was the images. Becouse the items will be sent from different stores, the type and quality of the images might be different. We found a tool called cloudinary that cut out the images cleand and transparent, we thought about how to make it look uniform. Maybe using some pyrotechnic effects, or graphic that will connect the products into one theme.
It's All About The Show.
This process include live prototype for all the screens together.
How the product came to life
רוצים להתחיל תהליך אפיון או עיצוב? שנקבע פגישת ייעוץ?
או אולי תהליך עיצוב מהיר בספרינט?
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אתר מידע אישי ללקוחות הפנסיה והחיסכון של פסגות
הלקוחות שלי
מעשים טובים
בזמני החופשי אני בוחרת גם לתת לקהילה, באמצעות תרומת שעות עיצוב והרצאות בנושאים של התמכרות למוצרים דיגיטליים, הרצאות היכרות עם העולם של חוויית משתמש, שיפור חוויית משתמש באתרים של בעלי עסקים, ומנטורינג למעצבים שרוצים להכנס לתחום.